The Heinsohn Family in Texas

– Miscellaneous –


My interest in genealogy, began soon after my father died in 1983. He left a large box of beautiful old photographs that had belonged to his mother and were mostly unidentified. He had begun copying them and trying to learn who was pictured and I took up that task. My mother, Dorothy Albrecht, an excellent genealogist, helped me all along the way. She made phone calls, introduced me to relatives, and showed me how to organize my notes so that I made real progress with my box of photos and, along they way, my love affair with family history began.

Along this journey to document our family's past, many cousins, friends, and e-mail acquaintances, have helped.

I'd like to recognize Janice Heinsohn Cloteaux for the Heinsohn family research that she did, beginning in the 1960s. She was probably the primary reason that the reunion expanded to include descendants of all the Heinsohn brothers. Family data was a lot less accessible then and much of her research was done by visiting with elderly relatives.

I thank Ray Heinsohn for all the trips to Germany he made, letters he wrote, and microfilm he copied in his efforts to discover our family's orgins in Germany.

Jesse Heinsohn, George and Bessie Blezinger, and Nellie Obermueller were among the many wonderful story tellers who shared their memories with me before they passed away. There are many, many others who continue to be sources of inspiration and encouragement.

Finally, I'd like to thank Clay Maeckel for giving me a free space on his server to place this web site.

While I have not given sources on this website, everything is carefully documented. I invite you to visit with us at our annual Heinsohn Family Reunion or e-mail me for more information regarding my source material.

Photos on this website came from the collections of the following relatives and friends:

Clara Bell Ahrens
Bob & Elaine Albrecht
Isabel Albrecht
Warren Albrecht
Katherine Buegeler
Hugh & Ruth Eckols
Sally Fahrenthold
Stephen Frers
Richard & Judy Friedrich
Gladys Gresser
Bernice Heinsohn
Dawn Heinsohn

Kermit Heinsohn
Ray Heinsohn
Sue Hillmann
Dan & Pat Johnson
Cindy Clowe Lacy
Thelma Mikulenka
Nellie Obermueller
Sandy Otto
Jim & Joan Robinson
Felicia & Wayne Schultz
Faye Woolrich
Eberta Wright

and more names will be added as the site develops.

And now I invite YOU to share your photos and stories with us!

– Rox Ann Johnson

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